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  • ☰ Type: Channeling
  • ⛊ Channeled Entities: Toya
  • ⛉ Channeled | spoken by: Yanco [yanco]
  • ₳ Translated by: Yanco [yanco]

Toya I would like you all to go into your inner silence for a moment; not the silence outside. Not that you all have to or should be silent here; you should just find a place of your inner silence. Yanco has just told you that it is not easy to contact me.

That's why I don't want you to contact me now, but with yourselves; contact yourselves. Right now, at this moment, this room is already quite filled with energies, with beings who are watching you; who are observing how you shine, how you radiate; who clearly feel your feelings, your sensations, your perceptions and who want nothing more than to be amazed at what you are here and what you are doing here. Contacts of this kind are unusual in your world, in your time.

There will come a time when this type of contact will be much more evident, much more intense and much more frequent on the world. But at the moment you are in a kind of channelling stone age. And so it is with your contact with yourselves.

Often you are also in a kind of stone age here, to feel yourselves, to feel yourselves, to know who you are. Now, when you make contact with yourselves in this way, I ask you to go one step further and not only make contact with what you are right now, but also to make contact with what you will be one day.

Time, in my understanding, in my existence and in my life, if you can call it a life, is something quite extraordinary and something quite different. It is a tool with which you sort your idea of yourself and your idea of the environment. It is not something that forces you to follow a certain sequence. Therefore, you can indeed be in contact with what you will be; what you will be from your point of view, what you have been from my point of view and what you are now from my point of view, if I choose to sort it that way.

What are you if you continue on the path, if you decide today to become as I am now? To be a being who is liberated from all the things that now move you or force you to do anything; who is liberated from what you understand as suffering, but also from what you understand as happiness; who is liberated from the ideas of a paradise in which everything is good, in which it no longer matters whether it is good or not; in which it is only your choice, your creation.

What will you be like when you are a being like me? For whom love is a matter of course, which usually does not have to be addressed and which I am only addressing because I am talking to you now. And how will you be if you are this being who does not drink; if everything you want, everything you seek, everything you have needed is always with you; if everything you have ever wanted, everything you have ever sought, everything you have lacked is always there; if you are satiated?

I know some of you have the idea that in such a state you would be lazy, lounging on the sofa, drooling. But you wouldn't. What would a being do who has everything, who knows everything, who understands everything, who knows that everything that is is his creation, who knows that he can change whatever he wants - what would such a being do? My answer for you is: Create.

It would create. All kinds of things. No, it would not only create the good things, what you would call good. It would be creative above all things; it would create things that are new; some things that are unspeakable; things that are so far away from the thinking and feeling of its former being that it sometimes cannot follow it at all. It would go into its creations and experience things that would surprise it itself, where it itself would not know how it came to be, what it was dealing with.

Hm, my former self, Yanco, once formed an image in his mind of an encounter we had with each other. It was as if he came into a barn that was full of implements from top to bottom; and when he looked into this barn, he saw all these strange, at the same time wonderful things, without understanding what they made sense of, what they were for. They don't seem to be ornaments.

There is a clothes rack where the hooks are made of soft rubber; you couldn't hang anything on it, but still it is artfully designed. What is the point of such a stand? There's a scythe, or just the blade of a scythe, tied to a car tyre. What would be the use of something like that? There is a kind of violin, a violin case, without strings but with a handle attached to the front.

What sense does such an object make? Then when Yanco asked me, 'What is this place, is it a madhouse? Is this the barn of all the loonies? I said, 'No, what this is is creation. It's just creation'. Yes, sometimes what I create is like that. Sometimes creation is not made to serve a purpose. You all often create in your world because the creation is to fulfil a task; because it is to solve a dilemma; because it is to bring something to you that you were lacking before.

You create things because they are meant to serve a purpose; they are always meant to serve the purpose of making your existence more pleasant. And you know, you also create your children for that purpose. You also create children into your world and other people because they have a purpose at the time you create the children. Sometimes the children serve a purpose, for example, so that your partner doesn't leave you; because you are afraid that your partner will leave if you don't start a family quickly now; that would keep him.

Many are not aware of that, but very often that is within you. And then the children become a creation of yours, they are a creation of yours, brought into the world for a purpose. And in the same way, you, what you now call the you, were put into the world by your parents, with a purpose. And you believe that God put you into the world with a purpose. Many of you want that purpose; you believe you have the right to be in the world only if you fulfil that purpose.

That is your right to live. You can be in this world, and have the right to enjoy this world, to create in it, to be in it, to communicate in it, to live in it, only when you fulfil the God-ordained purpose, fulfil your destiny. Now, you know, destiny, in the old understanding, is a word that completely contradicts the word Creator. If destiny can force you to do something, then where is your creative power, where are your creative abilities? In the understanding of a being such as I am, neither plays a role.

Then it only brings something if I decide that it brings something. It is my decision whether I say fate has meaning for me or it does not. I decide whether I want to fulfil a destiny or not. I decide whether I will follow the will of the gods or not. So in the world in which I exist, not everything is purposeful; not by a long shot. Some things are purposeful; some are purposeful in the way that you would understand purpose.

But many things, many more things, are purpose-bound in a way that you do not understand, you cannot understand, because you yourselves are also purpose-bound. And some things are none of those things. I would say in my world most things are not purposeful. I have endless barns full of things that make no sense to you at all. They don't make sense to me either; but it's not their job to make sense.

They are not about making sense. You could say, sometimes I walk through these barns, look at them and enjoy their beauty. But then they would be following a purpose again, wouldn't they? But sometimes I just walk through them because I'm walking through them. And I look around and you could say I get inspired for what I might want to create next.

And again, this is where it gets difficult for some of you, isn't it? Because what I want to create is not based on the same things for me as it is for you. Most people form their will from their difficulties, from their needs. When they are hungry, they want to eat; when they don't have a car, they want to have a car; when they don't know where to live, they want to have a flat or a house.

All these desires, all this wanting, is based on something you lack, on the realisation of something you do not have. Those of you who do not have enough money want to have more money. So is your wanting, your.... hm, your longing for whatever you would like to have, is nothing but the result of the need you are in. For this reason, human desiring is also not the kind of desiring I have. That doesn't mean I don't have desires; I have desires, I even have a lot of desires.

But many of these desires are desires that you could not imagine why one would desire. Why does one wish for a barn full of useless things? Why does one wish to just create? I know some of you have started painting pictures. And at some point he put the brush down and said, 'Hmm, I think I'd better leave it; I'm not good enough', and he put it down to the fact that the picture he painted afterwards was not what he had in mind.

Some even went so far as to say, 'I'll never be able to sell something like that. No one would buy something like that'. And you have already destroyed your creativity, simply because of the hardship you were in. Would you paint if you couldn't sell it? Some of you would like to do something like Yanco: seminars, channelling, passing on all the knowledge you have gathered over the years to the people who are in dire need of it, and I tell you, there are many who are in dire need of it; very many.

Some of you would like to do this, but don't, or tried it once and then gave it up again with the reason: Nobody will come. You see, all these are not motives that I have. I do not come to you because you are in dire need of it. I come to you because it is a wonderful way to spend my free time.

I come to you because I simply have a deep sense of love for you. I know you are my creation, as you are your creation, of course; but it is a creation that I love to spend time with! Experiences that I like to have, in which I like to shape myself towards you and I like to have experiences with you. I like to look into your eyes, to see your smile, sometimes your sadness, sometimes your pain; but always a deep connection, a form of love that some of you have lost.

You know, there are those who think that angels or beings like me are so far away from you. With angels that may sometimes be true; but with beings like me it is not, not in any way. As much as I am the being that you know as a KEYSHA, I am also the being that is physically in front of you; but I am also the being that you are, that has just made contact with itself and within itself at this very moment.

Yes, I know, these are these strange paradoxical things, to be me and to be you at the same time; and yet you all exist in them, now, in this moment. When you look into my eyes, you are looking into your eyes; you are looking into a mirror. Into a mirror that you might say, this will be one day; it will be when what Lucifer once said is true: all will be well.

Then, when all is well, when all problems are solved, when all sorrow is over, when it is no longer belief, nor knowledge, but experiencing; when there is no longer a difference between what you want and what is; when you have reached that point, then you will be like me. In your universe and your mind, in which you now understand, there are two fundamentally different ways of creating, of creating, of divine creating; at least they are considered different in your understanding.

And I want to clarify for you these two sides of the same coin actually, so that you can understand what is behind it. I call it the additive or the subtractive creation. I will give you some examples that I hope you can understand: Imagine you are a painter, you are standing in front of a white canvas and you want to paint some picture, whatever it is.

Now, of course, you know that the canvas is white for one reason only: because it reflects the entire spectrum of sunlight; that is, the white picture that looks empty to you actually already contains everything. In fact, this white sheet is not nothingness, it is everything. And when the painter begins to paint this picture, he takes different colours; and these colours take away very specific spectra and very specific wavelengths of light.

The brightest colour that a painter can make on that canvas is pure white. All he can actually do to create is to darken. This means that if he wants to show a ray of light on the canvas, he must actually paint the darkness, not the light. That is the way you came into this world. In the beginning you were the complete divine being, in its perfect radiance.

But you were also a white sheet of paper. It had everything on it, but none of it would have given you any form. The sheet of paper was blank. And what you created was darkness. And in creating the darkness you had the ability and the possibility to recognise the light within yourselves. So the significant creative force in that is the creation of the darkness, it is not the creation of the light at all; that was there from the beginning. This is what I call subtractive creation; because something is always subtracted from the All that is in the beginning.

Now there is also the possibility of creating additively. You could imagine that the canvas is black, completely black and nothing, nothing at all is reflected. And now you go and illuminate this black in the sunlight and gradually add colours. Then you would create additively; that is, you add something new that was not there before. It is exactly the same in your listening process.

When you hear everything, absolutely everything, you hear noise. Imagine you are sitting in an orchestra or in front of an orchestra and then the oboe starts to make a sound. Good, it's easy to define and you hear it well; and then clarinet, double bass, timpani, saxophone, all kinds of things come in. And at some point, not only do these instruments play, but they play not only one tone, but every tone they can play. And then they add things that make noises, rattles and chains and all kinds of things.

And at some point you no longer hear anything individually, you no longer hear individual instruments, you only hear noise. You know this from big events, like football matches, where you no longer hear individual voices. Only if someone happens to have shouted particularly loudly. You hear a wave-like noise. That is exactly what you have in the universe. When everything radiates at once, there is what you know as cosmic background noise.

In that noise everything is there and certain parts of that noise have been obscured; and thus light separates from shadow. Now, of course, there are many who would say that where there is a lot of light, there is a lot of shadow, and they pretend... pretending that it is the light that creates the shadow. But that is not true. Because the shadow is there even when there is no light.

You see, creation... you can understand creation as something that was everything in the beginning and where you just took more and more away as time went on; you defined yourselves more and more in this way. And in the end, you became these clearly defined entities that you call human beings by taking away from yourselves all these tremendous powers and forces of angelic entities, of divine entities, of energetic and spiritual entities.

These all belong to you; but you only work with the abilities you have as a human being, only with the consciousness you have as a human being, and that is why you are now human beings. But your original and true nature is the nature of Being All. Now, this understanding of the subtractive and additive creations is all old; it is not the understanding I have of things.

As much as they certainly make you understand something, and as much as I use it as a tool to be able to give you the information that I want to give you, it is not really accurate in the understanding of a being such as I am. For the origin of your very being and the creation that you have become is something entirely different. As long as you think that you either originally were everything or could someday be everything you want to be, as long as you are in that pattern, you are in trinitarian thinking.

As long as you are in light and dark, or more and less and however you would describe it, you are in trinitarian thinking; and that keeps you stuck in the story of endless steps to go up and up. You will never reach the point where you are liberated from all these things that make you human today, that force you to place yourselves at a certain point in the universe.

From my point of view you are all undefined, you have come out of what we call undefinedness and you are still coming out of it now. You may see yourselves as a finished product now in this moment. You are not. You are constantly moving and constantly transforming. The only thing that is permanent is that which is never permanent. The only thing that is the fixed point is that which is always moving. The only thing that is always there is your constant evolution.

There you have the paradox: all those things that are always moving and yet at the same time are always fixed! The only thing that is certain is that everything is uncertain. And you, you have only become a creation that is less than what it used to be if you believe this; if you explain your existence to yourselves in this way. You are a child of God only if you believe that you are; you have made yourselves children of God in this way.

You are less than the angels only if you think that you are less than the angels. All this is your own creation. It is an understanding of yourselves, an image of yourselves that you make in your minds. From my view of things, none of this is as many would understand it. From my view of things, it can be that way if I want it to be, but it is mostly not. That which I am in the first place, just as you are, is undefined.

Most of my being is undefined. I am in constant evolution. If you build a house and the house gets old and after some time you begin to replace parts of the house; you begin to re-tile the roof, eventually the insides come in. And after a few years you realise that nothing of the old house is still there. None of the original stones, none of the original beams, none of the original shingles are still there.

Now I ask you, is it still the same house? Well, to a being like me it would be - or not, it depends on how I want to see it. I would argue with: Yes, it is the same house; why? Because it was built the same way and looks the same, stands in the same place, because an attempt was made to preserve what once made up the old house. This means that although all the parts of the house have been replaced, the essence of the house, the plan according to which the house was built, is still the same.

Your body is the same. How many cells in your body do you think are still the same as the cells you had when you were three years old? But you still think you are you, don't you? And why are you still you? Because you are functioning according to the same plan, the same blueprint as the ones you used when you created this body. The same is true for your mind, for your soul. The essential components of your character, of your being, are often replaced, are enriched with experiences, some things are let go.

But the essence of your being remains. But I can also say that it does not matter. Some people in your world, wise people... wise people, have made the following out of it: This means nothing other than that there is something inside you that always remains the same, that is always you, your so-called true self. Well, that's thinking further than from here to the wall, but it's not thinking so far that you can get to the street.

Because you know, this blueprint also came into being through something. Is there a blueprint for the blueprint? Is there a core of being within you that is even more essential than the essential core of being? You can see that you can continue this game endlessly. And if you follow it all the way to the end, there is nothing left. If we go right to the very, very end into the innermost, innermost, innermost holiest of your being, there is nothing more.

And if I use the figurative language again that I chose at the beginning, then there is a white sheet of paper; a white sheet of paper without any blotch of colour, without any darkening. Lucifer would kiss me at this point, because I am saying that what you have made into your I, at whatever level of your being, is nothing other than the darkness that you have added to your original arising.

Now does that mean that I am talking about your ego, something that you have to get rid of? Of course not! If you have an ego - I hope you do, better check your pockets again that you haven't left it at home somewhere - if you have an ego, love it, cuddle it, cuddle it. Go to a stuffed animal shop somewhere and get a stuffed animal, say, 'You are my ego now' and take it to bed with you.

Love it! I don't want you to give up your ego. Your ego is your shape, the shape you have given yourself, what you understand to be your ego. And there are those who say you must get rid of this ego, return to the white sheet of paper, so to speak. That would mean Buddhism; you return to a state in which you are no longer afflicted with anything, with any dark hue, any splash of colour.

I would not recommend that to you, because, yes, you may have the pure white and the all again; the only thing you don't have is you, you are no longer there. And many who think they will reach Paradise in this way forget that you can reach Paradise, only you are no longer there; it is no longer you who will then experience Paradise.

For this reason you can only reach paradise if you create it yourself; if you create your paradise; if you are you; if you stand by yourself; if you begin to really love yourself. Because what is the real, the deepest meaning of paradise? Love. Love for yourself. It is self-love that can make any place a paradise.

Now, if you are like me, you don't talk about it. Why not? Because a being who is like that does not drink. You don't talk about it because you are so full of love, because you are so made of love and everything around you is made of love and exists, that it is unnecessary to talk about it. It is a simple given; it is always there, it is who you are, it is the core of who you are. Not only the core, it is far more than that.

You may not know it, but each one of you who is connecting with me right now is my love, is my paradise. You are a piece of my paradise, each and every one of you. It's not difficult for me to look at you with loving eyes; actually it's quite easy and it's quite cool, I can recommend it.

And you too could go there, you could look at the people, the world you are in, look them in the eyes and say: You, yes you, exactly you - you don't (quips, to which the audience reacts with amusement) - but you, you are a part of my paradise, you are a piece of my paradise!

When you begin to understand that and when you really see that, your world has already changed completely; and you have come a tremendous bit closer to what I am, much closer. That's all I'm going to tell you today because you're going to have enough fun with that; I hope so, if not I'll send Lu over to you.

Thank you very much and see you later.

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