04 Examples of hacks 2
- ⚑ Event: Monatliche Garmaran Treffen mit Yanco ~ 45. Garmarantreffen Sep. `22, 10.09.2022, Online über Zoom, zoom.us
- ☰ Type: Channeling
- ⛊ Channeled Entities: Toya
- ⛉ Channeled | spoken by: Yanco [yanco]
- ₳ Translated by: Yanco [yanco]
- ♯ Availible Media: Transcript(s)
Toya: Now, today let us begin with a well-known procedure. The very first thing it says is: make yourselves comfortable. Now I can clearly see that you are not comfortable enough. And in times past I have asked you to look around and see if there is anyone around you, or in this case online, who is more comfortable than you. And you should definitely do something about it the moment you find out that such a person exists. In the present case, however, I would like to point out to you that we should change the whole thing a little bit, because you should contact me and ask yourself the question whether I am more comfortable than you. And if you are of the opinion that I or your Garmaran is more comfortable than you, then you should urgently do something about it and make yourselves as comfortable as possible. Quite often you have understood that this means putting your body in a more comfortable situation. Maybe getting something to eat or drink, sitting back and taking a deep breath. All these things are clear to you, but I know that more often you don't know exactly what it means for your spirit. And also for your soul. So, how do I actually make my spirit comfortable? Would I have to think of certain things now or would I not be allowed to think of certain things? Am I allowed to use my mind now or should I hold it back?
Well, the easiest way to make your mind comfortable is this: Tell your mind, tell yourself, 'this time is my time. This space is my space.' What is meant by that is simply that you only have to have the thoughts now, or only have to process the information that concerns you, that you want to process now. You don't have to be available to anyone now. Not for your families or friends, not for acquaintances, but also not for certain tasks, for things that you still have to do, for all the things that are still waiting for you. Your thoughts do not have to be available to this now. That is, yes, of course you can absorb it and your mind has an important purpose in your life. But just at this time, when you are here, it is not relevant. With the problems and worries that you have, the things that you think about all day long, you could just say to yourself at this point, 'I can't change it now anyway. By thinking about it now and dealing with it, nothing changes. I can only think the things I want to think now, in this moment. That I enjoy thinking.' Naturally, your brain is inclined to be a problem-solving machine. It always automatically thinks of the worst case scenario and tries to find solutions for it. Even if the situation doesn't occur. But you don't need that right now. You don't need to think about things that might happen someday. Not about things that once were. Nor about things that are now but have no relevance to you. 'This moment, this time is my time now. This is my moment of time out. And this space that I am in now is my space that is all about me. About nothing else and no other person.'
- Details
- Parent Category: 2022 Hacks
- Category: 04 Examples of hacks 2
- Hits: 243
- ☰ Type: Questions & Answers
- ⛊ Channeled Entities: Toya
- ⛉ Channeled | spoken by: Yanco [yanco]
- ₳ Translated by: Yanco [yanco]
- ♯ Availible Media: Transcript(s)
Toya: Everything I intended to say, I already said earlier. That's why I'm giving you the opportunity to ask your questions without saying anything else. ... ... Mhm, no questions at all? ... ... Well, L.!
Question 1:
Questioner: Yes, well, I still had contact with the universe again and again during the time off. So I wanted to ask if any damage was done to me.
I'd like to know if this is true.
Toya: Well, none at least that would surpass the already existing damages in any way.
Questioner: So I can rest assured, I'm just as barmy as before too?
Toya: No, your nuttiness has evolved, but that doesn't change anything.
Questioner: That's important to me. So I didn't get any great new hacks or anything to it now? Or...
Toya: The others haven't either. It's not like hacks have come to that. You just, when you..., when you couldn't let go for a period of time, for the KEYSHA consciousness, you just kept reinforcing those very hacks that are within you. Giving them the opportunity to just continue to unfold. That doesn't mean that new hacks have really been added. It only means that you have made further networking possible in these hacks.
Questioner: And was that the case with me?
Toya: Yes.
Questioner: What am I doing?
- Details
- Parent Category: 2022 Hacks
- Category: 04 Examples of hacks 2
- Hits: 243